
8 Marketing Tips to Boost your Black Friday

The success of Black Friday is not just about low prices, it all depends on the confidence that the consumer has in your brand and in your products/services.

Therefore, most Black Friday strategies consist of preparing your website and social media, creating a complete shopping journey for your consumers.

Of course, ads shouldn’t take a backseat either. It is essential that you remind your client about this very important date, and email marketing will play a very important role.

Understand better:

1. Look for the Black Friday Legal seal

If you intend to sell via e-commerce, you will have to face even greater distrust, so the first step to gain credibility with the consumer is to get the Black Friday Legal seal.

This stamp is delivered by the Chamber of Electronic Commerce and is a way of identifying companies that follow the good practices of the campaign.

As soon as you get it, stamp it on all your networks and communication channels. This way, consumers will know they are not wasting their money.

2. Be present on social media

Even before Black Friday starts, consumers are already researching the items they want and comparing prices between brands and competitors. Your company therefore needs to answer all these consumers’ questions by being present on the main networks .

Prepare a series of daily posts announcing Black Friday at your company. Announce promotions in advance and show how advantageous your offers are.

You can, for example, show the products with the highest discount margin, those that are out of stock and those famous “bait” products – cheap, that sell well and serve as a gateway to other sales.

3. Renew your lead base and use email marketing

During the weeks leading up to Black Friday you should be prepared to use email marketing a lot. After all, these emails are powerful tools for attracting customers, generating traffic and winning more sales. It is from them that your customers will keep an eye on your promotions, serving as a reminder that your products are good options.

When preparing the emails, keep in mind the tips we gave in the previous item.

But ideally, you should look for new potential customers , or leads, before sending these emails. In this way, you will reach more and more people. To attract new leads, prepare rich materials, or update old materials.

4. Run retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are ads that appear a second time to those who showed an interest the first time.

For example, you visited a certain page and clicked on a specific product, but did not complete the purchase. The retargeting ad will offer you this same product in a new opportunity.

This technique has always had a special appeal, but during Black Friday the results are really enhanced. So if someone has given up buying because of the price, around Black Friday the individual will find out that the price has dropped and interest will resurface.

5. Have a secure website

As we mentioned earlier, consumers do research days before making a purchase. They compare prices and like to “bookmark” products they are interested in.

Therefore, even if you are not going to sell via e-commerce, it is important to have a functional website filled with information about your brand.

If you intend to focus on online sales, then your website security is the most important part. Adopt HTTPS, as this certificate is responsible for validating the website and encrypting information that the user receives and sends from it.

Since 2017, Google has made it clear that it values ​​this certificate. Don’t run the risk of having an “unsafe site” ad displayed every time a user opens your page.

6. Create a specific landing page for Black Friday

Still thinking about e-commerce sales , a good Black Friday strategy is to create a specific Landing Page for the occasion. This first page is responsible for encouraging “act now”.

You can use security and scarcity mental triggers, for example. Create limited stock notices; create a space for a timer, letting you know when the promotion ends; create notices with the reassurance of delivery and return of the product; between others.

7. Be honest and apply real discounts

We know it seems like an obvious item, but it bears repeating. Raising the price of the product a few days before to apply the “discount” on Black Friday, keeping the product at the true price, is a very common practice here in Pak. In addition to being very bad for the brand image, it is illegal.

Transparency is fundamental and you don’t want to be denounced at Procon. Make promotions that are real, and more: that are advantageous for your consumer too!

8. During Black Friday, increase your customer service attention

With the high movement, it may be that the service department is not ready to deal with so many questions. Don’t let that happen!

If the consumer feels that he is not being properly served or that the service will take too long, he will look for other options, even faster than on normal days.

If you intend to make sales online, it is very important to keep an eye out for emails and service requests made through the site.

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